'It is not possible to teach the Ancient Egyptian Healing Course online. After all, we work so closely with the experiences that the participant gains in the temples and power places in Egypt, we work so closely with the spirits who are still present in the Sety I temple in Abydos and who work with us in a magical way and guide the participant and us? Do we rely so much on the healing and sacred rituals that the participant undergoes? Do we rely so much on the connections that are restarted and activated by visiting and feeling the various temples and power places in Egypt?
This is what we thought for a long time. This is what we explained for a long time to those who approached us and asked if it was not possible to take the Ancient Egyptian Healing Course online.
Until corona time almost literally forced us to think differently.
Carefully and reluctantly the field of thoughts was opened as to how we could shape this. And because quality comes first, a pilot online Ancient Egyptian Healing Course was first completed by three participants from the Netherlands. The processes were of course different from the three-week 'live' course in Egypt and the House of Life, but at the same time the results were so inspiring for all of us, it was so palpable how in-depth guidance was given from the spiritual world and how the participants were guided to the depths within himself that the next step could be taken, internationally offering the online Ancient Egyptian Healing Course.
The next enthusiastic development of the online course emerged, but now internationally. What a wonderful process we were able to open and guide. Of course it also depends on the person involved and the enthusiasm of the participant, but we also know that the Gab sends those to us because they know what qualities this Soul has and they want them to come into contact with us.
Now almost three years later, in addition to the three-week Ancient Egyptian Healing Course, a new form of the Ancient Egyptian Healing Course has unfolded. Not three weeks in a row in Egypt and the House of Life, but partly online and an intensive stay of ten full days in the House of Life in Abydos Egypt so that the important and sacred rituals can still be undergone and the important Sety I healing temple can still be visited. can do work for the participant.
Curious about the reviews? You can read some of them here.
‘Dear Yvon/Aset, Thank you for this beautiful and clear report. And above all, many thanks for this wonderful process where I got into so many layers, but also get more and more inner clarity and peace. It is very amazing how all the turmoil of the past period falls into place and I see the connections. Thank you for your advice on the tantric path, and the process of receiving/clarifying knowledge has already begun. I really get directions on how I can start working from this wisdom. It's so wonderful, Yvon, it's like veils have been lifted. I notice that it continues to work and can deepen more and more. I also really liked the online training because the way you give it suits me very much, very intuitive, also following what is needed at that moment. It's true and it was and is coming home for me. I wait and follow in surrender where the path leads and I sincerely hope to meet you live one day.
Lots of love, Dorian the Netherlands’
"Energy and vibration are the constituents of all of our reality including space and time. So, even at a distance, this learning path is a gateway to ancient practices and the cosmic energies known as "Neteru." Engaging in this course has the potential to be a deeply transformative experience for your life and consciousness if you approach it with sincere dedication and a desire to be a vessel of light and wisdom. This commitment is not just about personal transformation, but also about restoring harmony within yourself and in the world around you.
Moreover, this course offers the unique opportunity to connect with the Per Ankh, or "House of Life," members in Abydos. This group is renowned for their genuine dedication and integrity. Engaging with them could significantly enhance your journey, providing access to powerful teachings and materials, particularly if your soul resonates with the path of ancient Kemet. This is more than just a learning experience; it's a chance to continue your spiritual journey with like-minded individuals and delve deeper into the wisdom of the ancients.”
Carlos Santos Spain
For those who do not know what the ‘Gab’ is? The Gab is the most Holy place in the Mountains of Abydos. It’s a Star Gate. A straight way to Heaven.
The Gab
'Trust and don't loose the sensitivity of a young child. You will be lead by the Gab. You will be lead by the forces of the spiritual world who are there for those who are searching and looking for the holy knowledge inside themselves. Don't be afraid, we are there for all of you. We are walking beside you'.
Interest in following the Online Course Ancient Egyptian Healing or the three weeks 'live' Course Ancient Egyptian Healing? Please contact us!
Blessings Horus from Abydos & Yvon/ Aset
Do you have a strong connection with modern but even more so with ancient Egypt?
Are you interested in the spirituality of the ancient Egyptians and its powerful healing knowledge?
Would you like to commit yourself through an investment to a special Hotel and Healing Center called the House of Life in Abydos Sohag?
A Hotel and Healing Center who became well known in and outside Egypt and is built on the legacy of the legendary Omm Sety?
Then maybe you are the investor we are looking for.
Which investors are we looking for?
We are looking for small and large investors who want to invest at least € 25,000 until $ 100,000, -
What can we offer you?
We offer you an annual rent of 5% of your investment.
We offer you a 50% discount if you stay in the House of Life for any 2 persons and a child. This offer is valid all year round.
Are you interested and you want more information please contact us:
Email: info@houseoflife.info
Aset and Horus from Abydos
The House of Life wishes you a Happy New Year 2023.
With the original Key of Life, once owned and used by our inspirer and spiritual guide Omm Sety, we look forward to meeting you again in 2023 at the House of Life to welcome you as our guest, as a spiritual group, as an individual retreat guest, as a teacher, as a healer, as a travel agency, as our archaeologist friends or as a fellow human being passing through.
The House of Life wishes you lots of Inspiration, Light, Love, Peace and above all Good Health in 2023.
Aset and Horus from Abydos and the staff of the House of Life Abydos
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